Avada Car Dealer News

Storagetech has achieved yet another successful project by supplying and commissioning a ground type CO2 absorber for Emirates Global Aluminium. The project focused on tackling the challenging problem of demin water CO2 contamination in power plants, which can significantly affect performance.

To achieve the best process performance with zero leakage, Storagetech’s CO2 absorbers were designed, developed, and tested in various university laboratories. With over 40 years of experience in storage tank venting, Storagetech combined their storage tank engineering expertise with demin water tank process engineering to provide an optimal solution.

This successful project not only showcases Storagetech’s technical capabilities but also highlights their commitment to sustainability and the environment.

Storagetech has achieved yet another successful project by supplying and commissioning a ground type CO2 absorber for Emirates Global Aluminium 18ERGIL is proud to announce the successful completion of our Distilled Nitrile & Crude Nitrile Vessel project
Storagetech has achieved yet another successful project by supplying and commissioning a ground type CO2 absorber for Emirates Global Aluminium 19Contributing to Mexico's Energy Industry with Innovative Solutions: Our Successful Delivery to Dos Bocas Refinery Project

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